Patient Moving & Handling

Designed for workers who require training in the safe movement and handling of patients under the Safety, Health and Welfare at work 2005 and Manual Handling Regulations 1993 and 2007.

Duration 6 Hours.

The course can be given on site or in our training room by one of our trained and experienced Patient handling instructors.

Students will be evaluated on their patient moving and handling techniques. They must demonstrate competence in all movements and pass a written test. On completion participants will receive a Certificate in Patient handling, which is valid for two years.

Group discount apply. We are flexible so just contact us and we will agree details and price.

Maximum number of Participants. 12

Location.                 Midleton, Co Cork.  Click to View Map                          

Enquire about this course: Call: 087 6792295 or email: 

Note: Group Discount Rates Available

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Patient Moving & Handling

The Patient Moving & Handling course is designed for people working in healthcare who require training in the safe movement and handling of patients under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work 2005 and Manual Handling Regulations 1993 and 2007.

When you help patients to move physically, it is essential to protect yourself by minimising any potential risks. This practical course teaches effective techniques for everyday situations, including assisting with sitting and standing, and how to correctly use hoists and slings.

Students will be evaluated on their patient moving and handling techniques. They must demonstrate competence in all movements and pass a written test. 

Course Syllabus

  • The Law, and its application in a manual handling environment
  • Musculoskeletal system
  • Biomechanics and mechanism of injury
  • Flexibility
  • Ergonomics and risk assessment
  • Basic principles of lifting
  • Log roll
  • Sitting a patient up in bed
  • Turning a patient in bed using sliding sheets